Bad Santa 2 (2016) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 345


Day 345 of the challenge! Watched Bad Santa 2, because I hate myself apparently.

Need to start off by saying that I enjoyed the original Bad Santa for the most part. It’s raunchy, unapologetic, offensive, and full of love. Ultimately, Bad Santa is a heart warming Christmas tale, you just have to dig through all the swearing and sex to see it. Bad Santa 2, on the other hand, is the opposite. It’s the exact type of cold and heartless filmmaking you want to avoid, ESPECIALLY when you’re making a sequel to a beloved holiday cult classic nobody asked for.

All the returning characters in Bad Santa 2 are reset, forcing us to watch them relearn the same lessons again (the biggest sequel sin you can commit). Add in the extra doses of raunch and comedy to try and make up for it (which all fall flat), and all you’re left with is a cheap carbon copy of the original. To make things worse, Bad Santa 2’s biggest offense is easily how much of a waste it makes of Kathy Bates. Wasting Kathy Bates in any movie is just plain criminal.

I just can’t even with this movie…