Bird Box (2018) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 362


Day 362 of the challenge! I have a theory arguing that Bird Box is one of the most brilliant movies of 2018, based solely on what it’s doing to people on the internet. Check it:

Bird Box itself is pretty okay. It’s a fun and gimmicky horror watch with plenty of tension, some great performances, a wonderfully creepy atmosphere, etc. All the pros outweigh the film’s cons, like it’s standard and predicable plot. I’d be very surprised if you were legitimately surprised by anything in this movie’s story. Rather, what makes Bird Box so brilliant is the film’s ability to take it’s gimmick to the next level and make it feel like a real world infestation. You know, almost.

So for the few of you that haven’t already watched it, Bird Box is another apocalyptic scenario flick, this time brought on by creatures that drive us to madness or suicide if we look at them. Fun stuff. The thing is, we never actually get a look at any of the creatures, because (we’re told) they take the form of our deepest fears. They literally look different to everyone. The only physical presence we ever get of the creatures is a sinister breeze that seems to accompany them everywhere. So it is a cop out not actually showing them? Maybe. Or maybe our own fears are scarier than anything the filmmakers can put on screen? I like that, and that’s where Bird Box shines!

All books, shows, films, and other arts in general are open to interpretation. We all know that, but Bird Box seems to be taking that to an extreme level. I’ve been seeing articles and twitter threads all over the place arguing what the film is about, from the toxic use of social media, how white people choose to ignore racism in America, or to how it demonizes mental illness. We also can’t forget the interesting stance the film takes on motherhood. I initially felt the creatures represented something connected to parental and commitment anxiety, just based on how much the film emphasized it early on. But maybe that’s just me, and that’s the point!

Everyone is seeing something different portrayed in that sinister breeze, like maybe their own personal biggest fears? Just like the characters in the movie? See where I’m going with this? Watching the film with that approach gives Bird Box a bit of a meta layer, and makes it so much better for me! It can literally be about anything you want! Whether or not that vagueness was planned or accidental is a whole different discussion, but for now I’m sticking to it. Not gonna lie, it’s also kind of hilarious to imagine someone seeing giant Facebook and Twitter icons or Donald Trump in that breeze.

I totally give credit to Bird Box for garnering such a diverse range of reactions and interpretations and for all the interesting conversations it’s starting. And for all the memes.