Cashback (2007) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 333


Day 333 of the challenge! I see what you’re trying to do Cashback, but why are you so damn creepy about it?

All the beautiful cinematography and camera work in the world (the technical aspects of the film are admittedly wonderful) can’t hide how overtly “rapey” and perverse Cashback is. Literally objectifying all the women in your film to “capture their soul and beauty” (AKA freezing time and stripping them while your creepy edgelord protagonist draws them) does not equal profound or intuitive.

Once again, it’s creepy, propagates a dangerous mentality, and overshadows any positive aspect of the film, making Cashback hard to enjoy when it does touch on some touching or deeper material. Just….ugh.

Move along. Take a shower. Be nice and don’t think you’re better than other people.