Four Lions (2010) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 331


Day 331 of the challenge! Four Lions is derogatory, dark, and HILARIOUS! I was dying the entire time!

A story about up and coming Jihadist suicide bombers might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think slapstick comedy, or any sort of comedy for that matter. How can you possibly take such a dark (and real world) premise and disarm it with humor, all while keeping it grounded in some form of reality that’s minimally offensive? Four Lions somehow makes it work, finding the perfect balance between satirical British comedy, character driven drama, and alarming social commentary, all of which you might not even be aware of while you’re watching.

I lost track of how many times I screamed “Should I be laughing at this?!” to myself while watching Four Lions. It pushed my dark sense of humor to the limits, and maybe even expanded it.

Spoilers: I laughed every single time. If anything, I laughed harder the darker things got. I dare you not to laugh at a pet crow wearing a cute little bomb vest!