Hell or High Water (2016) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 322


Day 322 of the challenge! Hell or High Water sets a new standard for character work in films for me. My god did I love it!

Fun fact: I’m not big on traditional westerns (like at all), but neo-westerns have a tendency of being some of my all time favorites. I dunno what that’s about, but yea.

Hell or High Water was another one of those films I was unable to watch in it’s short run at my local Alamo Drafthouse. I remember being devastated when I finally had time to go and realized it wasn’t playing anymore. Epic films like these really need a theater run that’s longer than a week…but not the point here right now.

There’s so much to unpack with Hell or High Water, it’s almost overwhelming! It’s a gritty and emotional tale of sacrifice, brotherly bonds, and legacy, told through the mirrored stories of 2 brothers doing the wrong things for the right reasons and the 2 Texas Rangers out to stop them. The story is just as unforgiving as the wide and lonely stretches of Texas desert highway (it’s brutality shown beautifully through some incredible cinematography), and features some career best performances from Chris Pine and Jeff Bridges.

Just. Go. WATCH IT!!! You’ll love it!