Moana (2016) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 328


Day 328 of the challenge! Y’all were right, Moana is pretty flippin great!

Moana is one of those movies that makes me think “I want to live in this world” when I watch it. It’s absolutely STUNNING! Be it the bright colors of the water and surrounding islands, or the the individual grains of sand or strands of hair on a character’s head, there isn’t a single frame of this movie that just doesn’t demand to be gawked at.

Story wise, things are pretty standard as far as Disney Princess and Prince (looking at you Simba) movies go. It’s a true and tried formula chock full of great messages that still resonate with the youngins after all these years, so its forgivable. And honestly, when your movie looks and sounds as amazing as Moana does, you can do what you want!

Can someone explain to me why Frozen became the cultural phenomenon and not Moana? Serious question.