Prison Dogs (2016) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 335


Day 335 of the challenge! Dropped the ball and didn’t watch a Christmas movie, but Prison Dogs is more than enough to warm your heart!

Did any of y’all know that there is a prison program out there called Puppies Behind Bars? Or that it’s a program that allows inmates to raise and train puppies to be service dogs for veterans with physical disabilities or PTSD? Prison Dogs does an AMAZING job explaining the details of the program, while also allowing us a peek at how impactful it is for both the inmates and the veterans.

Prison Dogs could have easily been an hour plus commercial for the program, but it goes the extra mile and explores what’s behind each of it’s three main focuses. It reminds us that dogs can be just as complex as humans (they each with a distinct personality and skill set), that inmates are not always the criminal monsters that immediately come to mind (many of them are looking for redemption for their mistakes), and that not all war wounds leave visible scars (and those invisible scars might be more damaging than physical ones).

Ultimately, Prison Dogs is a film about the of love and compassion. We need more of that these days. Now go watch this documentary and hug your dog.