Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay (2018) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 310


Day 310 of the challenge! Hope you like your DC with a little grindhouse, because Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay is GREAT!

Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay is quite possibly the funnest time I’ve ever had watching a DC animated feature (Batman and Harley Quinn also comes to mind). It’s mind boggling how an 82 minuted animated film could be so much better than it’s multi million dollar live action counterpart.

Not to say that Hell to Pay is a perfect movie. It’s really wonky at times, and I’m certain some of the story elements were thrown in to pad the running-time to reach feature length. But with a film that embraces the crazy as proudly as Hell to Pay does (while also remembering to inject some heart and thematic subject matter to go along with all the violence and nudity), it’s easy to overlook it’s issues and just go along for the ride.