Road House (1989) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 319


Day 319 of the challenge! After purposefully avoiding it for most of the challenge, it finally happened: I watched Road House. Happy Birthday Steve.

So first off, I think I went through puberty again watching it. The amount of manly 80s testosterone in Road House is INSANE! Women, fighting, and alcohol, all tied together into 2 plotless hours of unadulterated maleness. I had to shave 3 times this morning. Anyway…

I’ll admit that near the beginning… I was kind of enjoying Road House…mostlyfor the most part. Simple story of a bouncer with the personality of a 2x4, played by a big haired and bored looking Patrick Swayze (a bouncer that’s also a martial artists and has a philosophy degree for some reason). Cool, why not? It was fun, gave me a few laughs, and had a charm to it (despite the aforementioned wooden protagonist).

Then, for reasons I don’t think anyone will ever be able to explain to me, Road House turns into a weird and cartoonish revenge thriller of “WTF Just Happened” proportions. Imagine a backwater John Wick going up against a milk toast, middle aged Tony Montana, fighting for the soul of a dirt town and bar you’re supposed to care about (key word being SUPPOSED). Again…WTF!?!

Even as far as guilty pleasure go, Road House is just too out there for me. Excuse me while I go shave again.